The Secret to Emailing your Instructor
As a student, writing an email to an instructor
or professor can feel like a challenge, particularly if you are a new student
or English is not your first language. Writing effective emails is a skill you
need to develop to succeed in all aspects of your life.
In this blog, we will discuss some tips on emailing your lecturer to get a quick reply!
Why write clear and concise emails?
Imagine for a moment you are a professor, and
you receive a hundred emails each week, and you get a lengthy and confusing
email from a student. You would be frustrated and move on to the other emails
before replying to the long, confusing email.
Many instructors oversee numerous classes and receive from emails students and colleagues. Therefore, it is essential that you write clear and concise emails to quick responses.
What makes an effective email?
Have an informative subject line
Tell the reader what the email is about in 2-3 words.
a greeting
Your greeting should begin with
"Dear", followed by the recipient's name. Depending on your relationship, situation, and your institution's culture, it may be the first
name or family name. If in doubt, use the family name.
the topic in the first paragraph
The should be one sentence that explains the
reason for the email.
details of your issue
Use short paragraphs with two to three
sentences or displayed lists with bullet points or dashes to include details of
your issue and what you would like your lecturer to do.
an appropriate closing remark
Equally important is that you should close with appropriate, polite closing remarks such as "Regards" or "Sincerely". Ensure you also include your student number and the time and location of your class.
Be credible and authoritative
Dear Dr Campbell,
I cannot access the assessment readings.
Due to an administrative error, I cannot access the subject website. Student Administration said it would take 5 days for me to get access again.
Can you please send a copy of the required readings for the 2nd assessment by Friday so I can start reading over the weekend?
Jane Doe,
Student number 123456
Class: Mon 3 pm, Building J.2.3
What to do if you don't get a reply?
In summary...
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